The chacra is listed with 3 multi-lingual real estate companies (below). All are the same price of $350,000.
GTres: Florencia international calls: +598 2706 9807 local calls 094 204 474. Address: Diego Lamas 1373, Montevideo - Uruguay.
Click here for their listing of Gaudium.
Focus Properties' Marina and Michael provided the drone video 3 years ago.
International calls: Marina: +598 9559 2329, Michael: +598 9754 0983. Local calls: Marina: 095 592 329 Michael: 097 540 983.
Click here for their listing of Gaudium.
Van Bevern Properties: Martina and Michael
International calls:+598 95 916391 Local calls: 095 916 391 Skype: vanbevern
Click here for their listing of Gaudium.
An unretouched photo I took from our back door in June 2015.